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The last five minutes of class students will stay in their seats and no talking will be allowed. Students will be reflecting on our class and asking themselves five questions.

1. Where are you at in class?  Where is the class at?

a. Compare – use Canvas

2. What do you need to work on?

a. Get caught up?

3. What can you do to be prepared for class next time?

a. Check Canvas - see what we will be doing

4. What is your grade for this class? Check your grade in Skyward.

a. Do you have any missing assignments?

b. Do you have any assignments you would like to earn more points on?

5. Check Skyward to see what your grades are in your other classes?

a. Take note or print out what you need to work on

When the bell rings to go, students will log off their computer and push their chair in.





Stop & Think

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